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A system with NetDI® data logger and sensors for connecting to ROV or AUV was developed for the offshore oil+gas industry and for scientific projects. The loggers collects the data of the sensors in real-time. Algorithm for identifying of substances are implemented.

The data are transferred to the ROV controlling center respectively ROV pilot in real-time via the ROV tether. The optional OceanView™ DataServer arranges the data clearly and delivers alarm indication. The data can be further transferred to the main ROV or ship datamanagement system.


ROV Inspection-Sensor-Pack


ROV Inspection-Sensor-Pack installed on a typical inspection-class ROV


German subsea-monitoring.net network


SubCtech’s ROV Inspection-Sensor-Pack is part of the German subsea-monitoring.net network


OceanView™ DataServer-Pack


The OceanView™ DataServer is used to display data in real-time to support the ROV mission. Additionally, the state of the remote subsea system can be controlled


Message window


An alarm and event message window can be configured to generate alarms. The ROV crew has more time to focus on the operation


Sensor pack for ROV


Mobilization of a sensor pack for ultra deep-diving work-class ROV


Exploration sensors


Exploration sensors with Li-Ion PowerPack™ and SmartDI® data logger installed in a “fish” for EMV exploration (c) Photo by Mundal AS




Fluorometer provides a fast and reliable view on subsea scenarios


  • Use of proven sensors such as Oil-in-water (PAH), Fluorometer or CTD
  • Combination of sensors for rapid and efficient identification of substances
  • Real-time processing und assistance of the ROV Crew
  • Complete system technology from one source
  • Depth rating shallow water of up to 6000m
  • Free configuration of various sensors
  • Interfaces analogue 24 Bit or serial RS-232, RS-485 – other on request
  • Data logging on industrial CF cards (ROV inspection pack) and SSD (OceanView™ DataServer)
  • Data protocol ASCII NMEA-0183 can be easy implemented
  • Any ROV power supply can be used, e.g. 24V DC, 300V DC, 110V AC, 230V AC etc.
  • Any sensors can be used and integrated
  • Interface to ROV data system
  • Different data connections

Concept of the ROV Inspection-Sensor-Pack consists of subsea components, data transfer and OceanView™ data visualisation.


The SensorPack consists of

  • Sensors as required, see below
  • NetDI® Datalogger → Subsea Datalogger
  • ROV Power supply, e.g. 24V DC, 230V AC etc.
  • Data transmission to the DeckUnit
  • DeckUnit with data storage and display → OceanView 4
